I had started to make this blog post well probably about 5 months ago but it was taking me too long and then when I came back to it, it was gone! This happened a couple of times and so I guess I just gave up. But - I just found that google had actually saved as draft for me and so I'm just now posting it. Here it is:
This weekend Kim and Aaron visited and it was great. We laughed, we cried, and ... Well actually just Vaughn cried, but not the whole time. And it was more like he moaned and groaned. This was in part due to his little digestive system being a little backed up after having eaten some banana the other day. You might say it drove him bananas. After not pooping for a day his diaper was probably 3 times the fullest amount it had ever been previous; ten THOUSAND times more than he could have hoped to have dreamed for ;) Hahahah. Anyway, he's feeling a little better now - and he won't be eating bananas again for a while.
5 years ago