So we went in for the second ultrasound on Monday and found out that our fetus is a boy. We could see that it was within the first few seconds of the ultrasound. I think that seeing the Burns' baby's ultrasound pictures helped us to know what to look for, but on the other hand it was pretty unmistakable. We also found out that it appears to be normal and healthy in all the ways that they can check for at this point, so that's good.
It was really neat to see our baby again and with it looking more human and less alien. It still looks a little alien, but I'm sure he will grow out of it (at least as much as I did). One crazy thing is that the ultrasound tech kept on jostling Emily's tummy so that the baby would move into a better position so that she could check and measure other body parts on the baby.
Emily is feeling less sick, but still has to take medication for nausea every couple of days. Hopefully our camping and other vacation fun in the next few weeks will not be adversely affected by her condition.
Speaking of which, we are going down to Utah today to do some camping with some of Emily's family and then we are going to go up to Washington next Monday on the Columbia with Kim and Aaron Utterback (and Co.) for a few days or so, then on to western Washington to see more family and friends.
Sorry for the lack of pictures, we need a digital camera among other things :(